Paprika Hummus

Potentially one of the greatest gifts the middle east has given us, hummus is a staple in my kitchen as its incredibly easy to make, filled to the brim with protein and damn tasty.
 My simple twist on the classic involves paprika and a hint of chili
Hummus is quite cheap to buy in the supermarket so it can seem like an effort to make your own. However the supermarket hummus is full of unnecessary oils, and in even in the 'reduced fat' option chickpeas usually only account for around half of the ingredients. When you make things yourself you can control exactly what goes in them, which is what makes homecooking so awesome.

This only uses two basic ingredients; a can of chickpeas and a teaspoon of tahini 
I used paprika and then later added in some minced chilis to give a bit more heat and some olive oil to smooth the flavour out. As with a lot of cooking you don't always realise what flavours you're going to need until you get a little further into the recipe. The paprika needed a little heat to bring out the spice so a dab of minced chili's really helped me out here!

It's important to retain the liquid when draining your chickpeas as you're going to need it later. On a side note chickpeas are basically all you need as a vegan. These tiny balls of goodness are filled with enough protein and calcium to give your bones a kick up the backside.
Hummus is a very simple recipe but when blending you do need to pay attention. When adding in the liquid you only need a dash of the chickpea water, as too much will leave you with a very sloppy dip. 
It makes it a little easier if you add in the liquid a table spoon at a time while the food processor is running so you can keep an eye of the consistency of the hummus.

When adding in the flavours its totally up to you. I like my paprika to be quite present so I ended up putting in a lot more than I first anticipated, around two tbsps in the end. When adding in the flavour to yours just keep tasting as you go along as you can always add more!
While I used paprika and chili this time you could swap these out for garlic, lemon and corriander, jalapenos or even caramelised onions (watch the liquid content for this one and only add in a tiny bit of chickpea water!). 

This is a great little dish to whip up when you've got barely anything in the cupboards and have that post lecture hunger.

Makes a medium pot of hummus

1 can of chickpeas
1 tsp tahini paste
2 tbsp paprikia
1 tsp minced chilis
2 tbsp good quality olive oil

Drain the can of chickpeas but be sure to retain the liquid from the can. Chuck the chickpeas into a food processor.
Add in the tahini paste and blend for around 5 seconds. Using a spatula loosen up the larger bits at the side into the middle.
Switch the processor to around setting one and spoon in the chickpea liquid at a very slow pace, around 1 tbsp at a time. Next add a tsp of olive oil and keep alternating. You want the hummus to be smooth but still hold its shape; its very easy to put too much liquid in so if in doubt hold back!
Once you've got the right consistency its time to add in the flavour. Add a small quantity of the paprika and chili at a time until it's right for you.

Once you're satisfied with the texture and flavours put all the hummus into a pot and chill for at least half an hour; no one likes warm hummus!

I drizzled a small amount of olive oil over the dip and a sprinkle of paprika so your guests know what this dip is about.

Serve with my pitta chips or 6 minute tortilla chips for an easy sharing snack or keep it all to yourself (I won't tell).

What did you put in your hummus? Let me know!

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