Chia breakfast pudding

When it comes to pretentious breakfasts, this one is pretty high up there. However its really easy to make and is packed full of goodness. Most important of all, it tastes amazing.
This takes around 5 minutes of prep time, let it rest over night and in the morning you have a breakfast ready to go that you can feel smug about.

The basic recipe for this only requires four ingredients, with two of them coming from my beloved Aldi.
Now for some real talk, Chia seeds are not cheap. I bought this Kilogram from Costco and it cost around £4.50 which was a bargain, and even that's quite pricey. You can buy a kilogram for £7 from this website which is cheaper than many other high street shops.

HOWEVER, these tiny black seeds are the bomb in terms of nutrients. An important food among the Aztecs 'Chia' is actually the ancient Mayan word for 'strength'. Packed full of magnesium, calcium, protein and omega 3 they are legit. If you're trying to cut out meat from your diet these are a great way to get all the vitamins in.
Although they may seem expensive if you compare them to other meat alternatives where you'd get that sort of omega 3 power, it would definitely be more pricey to buy a kilogram of mackerel, and you won't stink your fridge out!

Moving on my from small celebration of the chia, this pudding takes no time to make:
You can actually make this pudding while a cup of tea is brewing and is therefore some of the easiest prep possible.
Cover and chill for at least two hours but ideally overnight in the jazziest Tupperware you can find.

In the morning you can just grab this out the fridge while your morning coffee is brewing and tuck in right away. On the first day you eat this it will be quite liquidy on top and solid in the bottom of the tub, but just whisk it up with fork and it'll be fine. On the second day it might be a little too thick so just loosen it with a dash more almond milk.
Once it's in the bowl just top it with some fruits; I also like to drizzle some more maple syrup over because nothing bad ever happened after adding more maple syrup.

The texture is a little like a thick yogurt and porridge combined and can take a while to get your head around.
This honestly did keep me full till lunch time and is a great way to start the day!

Makes two portions

500ml almond milk (can be found in most supermarkets. Alas, not my beloved Aldi)
75g Chia seeds
2 tsps vanilla extract
3 tsps maple syrup

This is up to you but its best to just use seasonal fruits (apples and figs are currently at their peak) and maybe some nuts to mix up the texture.

The night before combine the almond milk, chia seeds, vanilla and maple in a mixing bowl and stir until combined.
Store in a covered bowl in the fridge overnight while you do important things like catch up on Geordie Shore.
In the morning give the chia pudding a good stir and add more almond milk if necessary.
Top with delicious fruits and enjoy!
(Of course if you're artfully laying out the toppings to get a good insta it will take a little longer to prepare, but if you've made this for breakfast it must be shared!)

What did you top your breakfast with? Let me know!

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