4 reasons why I'm a midweek vegetarian

If you're wondering what this whole diet is all about, please have a read of my first personal blog I wrote for Newcastle University!
Within this blog I write about my inspirations, why I decided to follow a vegetarian diet for five days a week, and how I'm motivated by the environment, ethics, health and cost.

Vegetarians are of course in excellent company, with Anne Hathaway, Christian Bale and Kate Winslet to name a few. Many people follow vegetarian or vegan diets with many different motives in mind, from helping them keep their celebrity figures to pure compassion. Whatever the reason, the result is still the same.

Since writing this a few of my friends, including my boyfriend, have taken up the idea for their own. Even my parents who considered a meal without meat a waste of a plate have begun to observe Meatless Mondays.

Occasionally I've found that eating with friends and other social commitments have meant that it's been tough to stay vegetarian at a Friday night BBQ for instance, but there's no problem in eating meat on Friday and having a veggie Sunday. If you do slip up every now and then don't worry, this is a journey. Even if you were only to follow a vegetarian diet for a year, a month or a week, you'd still have made a difference. If you need a little motivation this is a good website where you state how long you've not eaten meat for, and it tells you how many animals and CO2 you've saved. For my three months of being a midweek veggie I've saved 25 animals and not emitted 200lbs of CO2. How great is that!

Have a try at going meat free one day a week, or maybe five, or perhaps all seven and let me know how you get on!

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