Summersault Rugby

My friend Amy and I always meet up for lunch over university holidays to catch up on each others lives, and as it was a Tuesday I knew that good vegetarian food was a must.

Rugby has a delicious vegetarian restaurant called Summersaults where the food is always organic and meat free.

Filo Veggie Parcels

If you're interested in getting your five a day from one meal then my filo parcels is the dinner for you!

This is one of my go to recipes as it's based upon a very simple principle: use what you have in the fridge. I made this a little while ago at University and the filling comprised of leeks, mushrooms and blue cheese. As long as you have plenty of tasty filling and filo pastry, the meal will be a success.

4 reasons why I'm a midweek vegetarian

If you're wondering what this whole diet is all about, please have a read of my first personal blog I wrote for Newcastle University!
Within this blog I write about my inspirations, why I decided to follow a vegetarian diet for five days a week, and how I'm motivated by the environment, ethics, health and cost.

Six essentials I can't cook without

Whenever I cook it's pretty much guaranteed I will have used at least two of these ingredients. These are my go to store cupboard items that I use to add flavor in any number of combinations.

As my style of cooking is 'find food in the fridge and make a meal from it' I rely on having some strong staples to back me up when creating dishes. These are the ones I can't do without

Mildreds London

I was on my own in London recently and decided to treat myself to a nice dinner. Having had to eat dinner solo a few times over my accountancy placement it doesn't really bother me anymore. As it was a Friday I headed out to a veggie restaurant I had been keen to try out for a while: Mildreds

This cosy eatery takes no bookings, which means those who wish to dine there have to wait for it. As I  was alone and pretty content to chill with a cocktail this did not pose an issue. I walked in and put my name down and was told a 45 minute wait was my price to pay. As it was a Friday in Soho I shouldn't have been too surprised!

Easy Cheesy Baked Camembert

While my boyfriend believes that WiFi should be a basic human right, I think that cheese should be.
After a few days in London where I was away from my kitchen I was in dire need of some comfort food. And what could be more comforting than a bowl full of molten french cheese?

As with most comfort food, the ingredients were simple and easy to find.