Simple Smokey Chicken

On Saturday I was really feeling a BBQ-esqe smokey meaty situation but had no ready made sauce in the house. As I was in full jogging bottom and hair scraped into a bun gear I was definitely not going to leave the house to buy some: I was going to have to make my own.

I had a look in the cupboard and found the flavours I needed: salty, spicy and rich were going to be necessary.

For the salty I used two tablespoons of soy sauce, the spicy a smidge of chopped chilis (around a teaspoon), the richness from a tablespoon of tomato puree and an extra teaspoon of chopped garlic for good luck.

After smothering a chicken breast with my sauce I baked it for around 20 minutes in an 180 °C oven. Served with some roasted Mediterranean veg I had left over from the Friday and some cous cous it was a speedy and tasty meal.

What would you have used to make a BBQ sauce in a hurry?

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