Flowbox July 2015

As I've been trying to eat more vegetarian food and discover tasty snacks, I decided to treat myself to the July Flowbox.

I came across Flowbox when browsing a buzzfeed article about healthy snacks. Flowbox offer three different boxes: Classic, Vegan or Gluten free. The products they pick are always natural and mostly organic, and are usually items you can't buy in shops which makes them a proper treat.

I opted for a mini classic box as a one off treat, which when combined with the discount code GOFLOW14 comes in at £8.50 including postage.

For starters the box came in super pretty paper, and they had handwritten my name on the front. I got a similar box for my boyfriend and included a very embarrassingly personal note which was also written by hand; it goes to show that the company really care and look after each individual box.

 When I unwrapped the box I discovered six exciting items:

Number 1 - Scott Farms Sweet Potato Chips

This very generous bag of sweet potato chips were absolutely delicious. I had to eat them as soon as I saw them as I couldn't resist! These aren't really available in the UK as they are produced in America (you can only buy these in boxes of 24 for £24 excluding shipping, which while I consider to be a worthy investment is still a bit of a commitment), so via Flowbox is a great way to try unusual brand! They were probably my favourite item in the box.

Number 2: Ugly Drinks - Lemon and Ginger

This is an unsweetened drink so is totally sugar free; in fact it contains absolutely zero calories! I had this after cycling up a hill with a massive rucksack and it was ridiculously refreshing. Similar to the chips these are a hard to find product as they're not really in shops yet. I would advise having a read of the website as the two friends behind the brand clearly had a great time making it, especially the FAQs.

Number 3: Olive Branch Greek Mezze -  Red Pepper Paste

This 100% natural paste is 100% delicious. I had it with a little goats cheese on one of the included rice cakes. This one can actually be bought fairly easily via the ethical superstore and comes in at £1.99. They suggest marinating chicken in it which is definitely something I shall be trying on a meat day!

As rice cakes go, these are pretty special. Almost being too healthy they're the perfect vessel to enjoy other fancy food stuffs. I topped mine with the red pepper paste and goats cheese, and home made guacamole  for a tasty lunch. These cakes can't actually be purchased in the UK which means they're a very exclusive treat.

Numbers 5 & 6: Nom Cacao and Raspberry, Organic Planet's Chai Vanilla Energise Bar

These two I put in one as they are both excellent on the go bars. The Engerise one I had right after leaving a medical trial and it was just what I needed. I don't often eat raw food but this was a great way to be introduced to the movement. I look forward to having the nom bar as a perfect organic handbag treat.

So there are the six items from the classic mini box! Which one would you like to try most?

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