Juicy Breaded Chicken

The chicken in the recipe is so delicious and juicy your friends will be fighting over it!

This make ahead dinner can be used alongside my Dauphinoise potatoes for a deceptively easy yet impressive meal. 

Dauphinoise potatoes

This is my go to side dish. It has the winning combination of being super easy and tastes incredible.

It can be made ahead which is always a plus in my books. Who wants to be chopping potatoes when everyone's sat down for dinner? 

Butternut Squash and Lentil Dhal

This is a fantastic store cupboard recipe and a great choice for students or anyone keeping an eye on the pennies.
The flavours are more earthy and spiced than fiery spicy, so if you have a friend who can't handle the heat this is still a great choice.

Eggs in Purgatory

These spicy eggs are the perfect solution to when you want something quick and healthy, but have no food in the house.

You can make them using any store cupboard or random fridge items; all you really need are eggs, chilies and a tin of chopped tomatoes.

Simple Smokey Chicken

On Saturday I was really feeling a BBQ-esqe smokey meaty situation but had no ready made sauce in the house. As I was in full jogging bottom and hair scraped into a bun gear I was definitely not going to leave the house to buy some: I was going to have to make my own.

I had a look in the cupboard and found the flavours I needed: salty, spicy and rich were going to be necessary.

Summer Tomato Gratin with Goats Cheese

This dish has all the flavours and colours of summer in one big glorious bowl.

I came across this dish when planning a nice meal in with my boyfriend a little while back, and after a few adjustments I've made it into a classic summer staple.

Flowbox July 2015

As I've been trying to eat more vegetarian food and discover tasty snacks, I decided to treat myself to the July Flowbox.

I came across Flowbox when browsing a buzzfeed article about healthy snacks. Flowbox offer three different boxes: Classic, Vegan or Gluten free. The products they pick are always natural and mostly organic, and are usually items you can't buy in shops which makes them a proper treat.

Holy Guacamole

Guac and chips are one of my all time favourite snacks. Add a little sour cream and salsa in there and you've got yourself a fiesta!

In summer this is a great dish to prepare for friends coming over: it only takes around 10 minutes to make and is definitely a crowd pleaser!

Zesty Lemon Posset

This is one of my new favourites for a super simple dessert. This takes approximately 10 minutes to prepare, then after chilling in the fridge for a few hours it's ready to go. I love making this for dinner parties as you can rely on it every time.

I saw the recipe for this while watching my favourite show of the week; Saturday Kitchen Live. It's not often that I get to watch this is in full as I often wake up a little too late or am out and about. However when I do get to watch it I’m always left inspired and excited about what to cook that week. As I'm crazy about anything citrus this recipe caught my fancy and I knew I just had to make it.

Fruity Biscotti

I first made this recipe around Christmas time and my mum is now obsessed with them. For the last five years or so I've made my boyfriend’s family a festive hamper, and it's always fun planning what treats to include each year. I stumbled across this and with a few tweaks I know it's one that I'll be including for years to come!

This isn't a very difficult recipe but does require a few harder to find ingredients, such as the pistachios and dried cherries. However I assure you that they are worth finding as they definitely make the recipe!